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Bucherer High Jewellery

Hommage to Louise and Wilhelmina Bucherer
Since its founding in 1888, Bucherer Fine Jewellery has been devoted to artistic excellence, building a reputation for the commitment to the craft. The High Jewellery collection captivate the spirit of passionate, independent women – in a tribute to early Bucherer women, Louise and Wilhelmina, who laid the groundwork for Bucherer Fine Jewellery.

Masterful Artistry and Passion

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The Original Spark

The designs of this Bucherer High Jewellery collection skillfully capture the contradictive nature of the two women Louise and Wilhelmina. The shapes and lines of the pieces are inspired by the architecture of Lucerne, blending the contrasting values of modern and historical in perfect harmony - just like the Bucherer women did.

The High Jewellery Collection

A Heritage of Artistic Excellence

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The Culmination of Craftsmanship

Jewellery combines craftsmanship and creativity in objects of desire. Not limited to being a mere beautiful object, jewellery is at the same time a means of expression and record of emotions. Exceptional design, outstanding craftsmanship and innate passion are always on display at our Ateliers. Each piece starts with an idea, an inspiration, that is expertly refined until it’s perfect.

Visit our Bucherer High Jewellery Boutique